Friday, October 13, 2017

System.Math extension methods


Because I've lately started to think a little more functional, this also allows for nice chaining of calls to the Math class.

How to use

Say you want to calculate the angle between 2 vectors by taking arc cosine of our dot product to give us the angle:
With normal Math usage..
var dot = vector1.X* vector2.X + vector1.Y * vector2.Y + vector1.Z * vector2.Z;
double radians = Math.Acos(dot);
Same example with our extensions
var dot = vector1.X* vector2.X + vector1.Y * vector2.Y + vector1.Z * vector2.Z;
double radians = dot.Acos();

The above example but with a method to calculate the dot product.
double radians = vector1.Dot(vector2).Acos();

Code for your pleasure

public static class MathExtensions
    public static decimal Abs(this decimal d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static float Abs(this float d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static double Abs(this double d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static int Abs(this int d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static long Abs(this long d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static short Abs(this short d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static short Abs(this byte d)
        return Math.Abs(d);
    public static decimal Max(this decimal d, decimal x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static float Max(this float d, float x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static double Max(this double d, double x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static int Max(this int d, int x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static long Max(this long d, long x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static short Max(this short d, short x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static short Max(this byte d, byte x)
        return Math.Max(d, x);
    public static decimal Min(this decimal d, decimal x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);
    public static float Min(this float d, float x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);
    public static double Min(this double d, double x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);
    public static int Min(this int d, int x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);
    public static long Min(this long d, long x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);
    public static short Min(this short d, short x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);
    public static short Min(this byte d, byte x)
        return Math.Min(d, x);

    public static int Sign(this decimal d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static int Sign(this float d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static int Sign(this double d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static int Sign(this int d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static int Sign(this long d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static int Sign(this short d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static int Sign(this byte d)
        return Math.Sign(d);
    public static decimal Floor(this decimal d)
        return Math.Floor(d);
    public static double Floor(this float d)
        return Math.Floor(d);
    public static double Floor(this double d)
        return Math.Floor(d);
    public static decimal Round(this decimal d)
        return Math.Round(d);
    public static decimal Round(this decimal d, int x)
        return Math.Round(d, x);
    public static decimal Round(this decimal d, int x, MidpointRounding mr)
        return Math.Round(d, x, mr);
    public static decimal Round(this decimal d, MidpointRounding mr)
        return Math.Round(d, mr);
    public static double Round(this float d)
        return Math.Round(d);
    public static double Round(this double d)
        return Math.Round(d);
    public static double Round(this double d, int x)
        return Math.Round(d, x);
    public static double Round(this double d, int x, MidpointRounding mr)
        return Math.Round(d, x, mr);
    public static double Round(this double d, MidpointRounding mr)
        return Math.Round(d, mr);
    public static decimal Ceiling(this decimal d)
        return Math.Ceiling(d);
    public static double Ceiling(this float d)
        return Math.Ceiling(d);
    public static double Ceiling(this double d)
        return Math.Ceiling(d);
    public static double Acos(this double d)
        return Math.Acos(d);
    public static double Asin(this double d)
        return Math.Asin(d);
    public static double Atan(this double d)
        return Math.Atan(d);
    public static double Atan2(this double d, double x)
        return Math.Atan2(d, x);
    public static double Cos(this double d)
        return Math.Cos(d);
    public static double Cosh(this double d)
        return Math.Cosh(d);
    public static double Exp(this double d)
        return Math.Exp(d);
    public static double Sin(this double d)
        return Math.Sin(d);
    public static double Sinh(this double d)
        return Math.Sinh(d);
    public static double Tan(this double d)
        return Math.Tan(d);
    public static double Tanh(this double d)
        return Math.Tanh(d);
    public static long BigMul(this int a, int b)
        return Math.BigMul(a, b);
    public static double IEEERemainder(this double d, double y)
        return Math.IEEERemainder(d, y);
    public static double Log(this double d)
        return Math.Log(d);
    public static double Log(this double d, double x)
        return Math.Log(d, x);
    public static double Log10(this double d)
        return Math.Log10(d);
    public static double Sqrt(this double d)
        return Math.Sqrt(d);
    public static decimal Truncate(this decimal d)
        return Math.Truncate(d);
    public static double Truncate(this double d)
        return Math.Truncate(d);
    public static double Pow(this double d, double power)
        return Math.Pow(d, power);

Quite a lot of overloads, I think I got them all but if you find that I've missed one, please comment on this post and I will add it!

All code provided as-is. This is copied from my own code-base, May need some additional programming to work. Use for whatever you want, how you want! If you find this helpful, please leave a comment, not required but appreciated! :)

Hope this helps someone out there!

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